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Alleyway with Tagging and Shadows

Posted by
Peter (Te Aroha, New Zealand) on 27 February 2023 in Cityscape & Urban.

An Alleyway in Matamata, another phone shot. Not many alleyways or tagging in Matamata but there is a little here including some you can see that has been quickly painted out. A clean little town known for it's world class horses.

Still using the smartphone cam on auto, next step is to use the manual adjustments and settings

OPPO A54s 1/1000 second F/1.8 ISO 113 28 mm (35mm equiv.)

My goal is to present images of objects and places as naturally as possible with minimal post processing. I hope the natural qualities will come through for the viewer with a little contemplation.

rem_la from Villiers, France

joli jeu d'ombre et de lumiere

27 Feb 2023 6:44am

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

I like the point of view as well as the play of light and shadow

27 Feb 2023 2:25pm

Devi from Chennai, India

nice shadow of the picket fence :)))

27 Feb 2023 3:21pm

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

The design created by the fence and the shadows is beautiful. Superb point of view!

27 Feb 2023 7:13pm

1/1000 second
ISO 113
28 mm (35mm equiv.)
