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Self Heal

Posted by
Peter (Te Aroha, New Zealand) on 18 August 2020 in Plant & Nature.

The humble Self Heal (Prunella vulgaris). A small weed from the mint family with a delicate and colorful flower about 30mm across making its home on my vege patch. I didn't notice the tiny fly until processing the image.
Tradition says that the plant has a reputation as a styptic, a remedy for everyday cuts. Hercules is said to have learned of the plant and its virtues from Chiron the centaur.

Canon PowerShot G12 1/250 second F/4.0 ISO 400 7 mm

My goal is to present images of objects and places as naturally as possible with minimal post processing. I hope the natural qualities will come through for the viewer with a little contemplation.

rem_la from Villiers, France

magnifique les couleurs

18 Aug 2020 5:17am

Existence Artistique from Angers, France


18 Aug 2020 9:10am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

It has a beautiful flower and nice that it also has some medicinal properties. A lovely image.

19 Aug 2020 2:07am

Canon PowerShot G12
1/250 second
ISO 400
7 mm
