The sight of a schooner in the Bay this morning, in the gap between Tawharanui and Kawau Island, brought the camera out, and then I was tempted to try and recreate an old time sepia look similar to some I had seen last week at the ferry terminal. It's a Lightroom preset with some adjustment of contrast, clarity and detail... and of course some cropping for the wide panorama view. Great Barrier Island is at the horizon 65kms away.
My goal is to present images of objects and places as naturally as possible with minimal post processing. I hope the natural qualities will come through for the viewer with a little contemplation.
@Ralf Kesper: Thanks Ralf
@omid: Thank you omid
@Shaun: Cheers Shaun
@Willem: Thanks Willem
@Existence Artistique: Cheers EA
@Elaine Hancock: Thank you Elaine
@B. Thomas: I remember seeing sepia photos of exotic places in old books when I was a child; a bit of nostalgia perhaps.